Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In Need of A Resume Tuneup?

I thought this blog post on updated resume styling from the NYTimes Shifting Careers blog was an item of interest.

One thing I find difficult in terms of translating librarian duties into corporate speak. One of the points made above is that you should make your resume achievement oriented. Am I the only one who finds that difficult? A lot of librarianship is, you show up and you help people. Sometimes you make stuff, like a bulletin board or a handout, or teach a class. It's hard to measure your skills in this profession, without moving up career-wise or doing other things.

I got a recommendation for a librarian-specific resume book from NewLib in November. I am on the waiting list for Resume Writing and Interviewing Techniques That Work: A How-To-Do-It Manual For Librarians by Robert R. Newlen through Clevnet. It retails for $55 at Amazon, which is way too steep an investment without actually paging through it.

What do you think? How does your resume work? Have you reworked it to include any new duties or events?

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